“For the needy shall not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the poor perishes forever.” Psalm 9:18
Mandarin Food Bank opened in April of 1991 in a 900 square foot building with no heat or plumbing. We are an instrument of St. Joseph’s Social Concerns Committee. Our mission statement is: To provide emergency food and clothing to those in need in the Mandarin community.
We are a ministry run entirely by volunteers. Since the start our ministry has felt the love and support of the Mandarin community. We have grown in space and numbers over the years, and we have made many changes, yet we still feel that love and support and we are truly grateful for it.
We are deeply grateful for the donations we receive.
We would like to send a heartfelt thank you to the Mandarin community for its wonderful support and generosity for our Thanksgiving and Christmas giveaway. We are now replenishing our stores following these giveaways. The following items are needed: black eyed peas, muffin mix, canned meats, gift cards for gas, food and discount stores.